When the seed considered planting itself
EditorSophia Sadzakov / HuM-Collective
Format21 × 29.7 cm
Features250 pages, softcover
ReleaseOctober 2021
Das Künstlerbuch als kollektive Praxis
HuMBase is a cultural event venue and studio space that has established itself since June 2018 as an experimental platform for creatives working in a range of cultural disciplines. An abandoned church building in Stuttgart has served the HuM design collective as the versatile setting of its transdisciplinary projects.
The most recent project, When the seed considered planting itself, is an attempt to translate the venue’s experimental quality into the book format. It gathers 26 creative minds: artists, musicians, curators, writers, and directors were invited to give their ideas free rein in its pages.
Besides the collected contributions from the participants, the book documents the collective’s exhibitions and cultural events. The collaborative publication project is a portrait of HuMBase’s program, which stands out for its multiplicity of creative perspectives.
In addition to biographical notes on the 26 contributing artists, the book contains a foreword by the editors and an essay by Lukas Ludwig.