Mariechen Danz

Clouded in Veins
Kunsthalle Recklinghausen

Aufbrechen hegemonialer Wissensordnungen

Mariechen Danz’s (b. Dublin, 1980; lives in Berlin) work takes the (im)possibilities of communication and knowledge transfer as its starting point, placing the human body at the center of her practice. In her installations,  drawings and performances, Danz probes the expressive capabilities and limitations of language, the legibility of signifiers and their hierarchical systems. Danz’s artistic discourse insistently encircles the role of subjectivity and objectivity in scientific history and alternative forms of human understanding alike.

The catalogue Clouded in Veins documents Danz’s sprawling solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Recklinghausen as part of the 2021 Ruhrfestspiele. With essays by Malte Roloff, Angelika Stepken and Susanne Witzgall.

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